It was Ms. Lord’s deepest wish to be able to meet her first grandson, Peyton, and see her daughter who was entering her greatest journey: motherhood. However, Ms. Lord suffered from severe heart failure and was unsure about making the trip to see her family. Through the help of Infinity Hospice Care social worker, Amy Center, and the Lighthouse of Hope Fund, Ms. Lord was able to travel to see her family and was able to hold her new grandson in her arms. Following her trip, Ms. Lord wrote the following note to the National Hospice Foundation:
“When I was a patient at Regent Care Center in Reno Nevada, my daughter gave birth to my first grandchild, Peyton James Amburgey. Although I was ecstatic to become a grandma and excited for my daughter, I became sad and depressed because I was unable to leave Regent Care to be with her for the birth. My social worker, Amy Center, saw how sad this made me.
So, after I left Regent Care, Amy applied to National Hospice Foundation with a request to assist me with travel to see my family. Within an hour after the Foundation met, the decision was made to fund a trip to Monterey so that I could meet my grandson and spend time with my daughter. The experience was priceless.
My daughter, Monica, was still on maternity leave, so she and Peyton stayed with me at the motel. We talked a lot, ate a lot and hung out by the pool but most of all, we admired and loved on our little Peyton. This trip was probably the most meaningful thing I have ever done. The memories of holding my grandson in my arms and smelling his little baby smells are so significant; but even more significant was watching my little girl, my baby, as she navigated her life around motherhood.
Thus, our relationship has changed. We are no longer just mother and
daughter: we are comrades in motherhood. I admire and appreciate the
staff at Infinity Hospice Care for making this happen for me. Thank you
so much. Thank you making it possible for me to go to Monterey-the city
that holds all I love.
Teresa Lord”